
A distinctive perspective on wearables and IOT


Project overview

Communications goal

Craft a distinctive POV about wearable technology in a space overrun by stories of innovation

Barrier to overcome

There was a tendency to overestimate how much the world’s “tech connected millennials” actually loved technology (while they lived WITH technology they didn’t necessarily live FOR technology.)

Our deliverable

A narrative platform and positioning idea for Huawei to roll out to local (global) markets outside of the U.S

Behavioral truth

While our audience displayed a love of technology, they displayed an even greater affinity for giving gifts (flowers, candy, jewelry, etc.)

Strategic pivot

Move our focus from the relatively small wearables market to the exponentially larger gift giving market (focus on “share of gift.”)

Insight (Rogue planet)

In a world of impersonal technology, strapping another person to your wrist is the height of intimacy.

Creative mission statement (plan to land on the rogue planet)

Get technology enthusiasts

who love their families more than they love gadgets

to give wearables to the people they love most

by showing them that you can keep your loved ones in your heart AND on your wrist.