Philips Radiology

Seeing beyond your obstacles

Philips Radiology

Project overview

Brand goal

Establish Philips as an advocate for and partner of the radiology community.

Barrier to overcome

Ironically, a lack of vision. While radiology’s essence is sight, radiology is blinded in a number of ways. Radiologists do not feel seen by other medical practitioners, they rarely see the impact of their work, and technical inefficiencies prevent scans or reports from being seen in a timely fashion.

Our deliverable

A flexible brand platform for Philips Radiology that could scale into a larger Philips Professional Healthcare platform. (Creative execution led by partner agency.)

Human problem to solve

Radiologists often feel disrespected within and outside of the medical community. In the words of one radiologist, “sometimes it feels like people don’t even know that I went to medical school.”

Insight (Rogue planet)

Vision is a two-way street: you can’t truly see until you feel seen.

Creative mission statement (plan to land on the rogue planet)

Help radiology professionals

who feel disrespected and unappreciated

to feel the respect and gratitude they feel they haven’t received

by celebrating the role an inital scan plays in a patient’s road to recovery

How it lived in the world

Thus far the brand film has been the heart and soul of Philips Radiology’s B2B communications. After it was featured at 2022 RSNA, it expanded into a full gallery exhibition at 2023 European Congress of Radiology.